• Make your days count

  • a date,

    a new experience

  • an encounter

    a real exchange of affinities

    • Make your days count

    • a date,

      a new experience

    • an encounter

      a real exchange of affinities

      Elegance is the naturalness and simplicity

      of being yourself

      It´s time to get ready,
      I am seeing you today!
      I remember when we met.
      How our bond has grown since then
      I still prefer
      sharing the shower 😊
      I am not ready yet
      Why complicate things,
      don’t they say that a smile is the best dress?
      Don’t get distracted, Laura,
      you are going to be late
      Almost ready
      to reconquer you
      But Let’s not stop
      taking care of the details 😉
      Those butterflies always
      in the stomach
      Happy with every experience.
      Take care, looking forward to seeing you soon ❤️
      It´s time to get ready, I am seeing you today!  
      I remember when we met. How our bond has grown since then
      I still prefer sharing the shower 😊
      Hey! I am not ready yet
      Why complicate things, don’t they say that a smile is the best dress?
      Don’t get distracted, Laura, you are going to be late
      Almost ready to reconquer you
      But let´s not stop taking care of the details 😉
      Those butterflies always in the stomach
      Happy with every experience. Take care, looking forward to seeing you soon ❤️



