Experiences with Clara and Laura

Clara Miranda and I are friends, companions, confidants, we have the right dosage of craziness, similar harmonies and we are in love with this profession. Furthermore, we are fun and positive people with varying interests some of are mutual and others compatible. We complete one another extraordinarily and understand each other with just a glance. We love sharing moments with each other as we love sharing them someone else as well. If you’d like to be that someone, we wanted to dedicate this page to you. We hope you do not only look, but join us as well. If you want to know more about my friend Clara:

A blind date with Clara and Laura:  600
(1h alone with us. Would you dare?) 

An aperitive with Clara and Laura:  950
(Introduction + 1h ending)

A vermouth or coffee to get to know each other, break the ice and then the perfect ending

A night with Clara and Laura:  1350
(a lunch, a brunch or a dinner + 1h of dessert)

A complete gourmet combination. The pleasure of the food, the best conversation between three, a toast and the best dessert

A complete experience with Clara y Laura: Please ask the conditions depending on the plan
(Starting with the previous plan and following the adventure with some mischief)